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       ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์ (อังกฤษ: tungsten carbide) มีสูตรเคมีคือ WC ในรูปพื้นฐานจะมีลักษณะเป็นผงสีเทาละเอียด มี 2 โครงสร้างคือแบบหกเหลี่ยม (α-WC) และแบบลูกบาศก์ (β-WC)
       ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์เตรียมได้จากการทำปฏิกิริยาระหว่างทังสเตนกับคาร์บอนที่อุณหภูมิ 1400–2000 °C[3] หรือให้ความร้อนกับทังสเตนไตรออกไซด์และแกรไฟต์โดยตรงที่ 900 °C หรือในแก๊สไฮโดรเจนที่ 670 °C ตามด้วยการคาร์บิวไรเซชันในแก๊สอาร์กอนที่ 1000 °C[4] หรือใช้วิธีการเคลือบด้วยไอเคมี เช่น
  • ทำปฏิกิริยาระหว่างทังสเตนเฮกซะคลอไรด์กับไฮโดรเจนและมีเทนที่อุณหภูมิ 670 °C (1,238 °F)
 WCl6 + H2 + CH4 WC + 6 HCl
  • ทำปฏิกิริยาระหว่างทังสเตนเฮกซะฟลูออไรด์กับไฮโดรเจนและเมทานอลที่อุณหภูมิ 350 °C (662 °F)
                WF6 + 2 H2 + CH3OH → WC + 6 HF + H2O
       ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์มีจุดหลอมเหลวที่ 2,870 °C (5,200 °F) และจุดเดือดที่ 6,000 °C (10,830 °F) มีความแข็งระดับ 9 ตามมาตราโมสและประมาณ 2600 ตามมาตราวิกเคอส์[5] ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์มีความแข็งเกร็งมากกว่าเหล็กกล้าประมาณ 2 เท่า มีค่ามอดุลัสของยังประมาณ 530–700 GPa (77,000–102,000 ksi)[2][6][5][7] โมดูลัสของแรงบีบอัด 630–655 GPa และโมดูลัสของแรงเฉือน 274 GPa[8]
ด้วยคุณสมบัติความแข็งและทนความร้อนสูง ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์จึงใช้ทำเป็นเครื่องมือตัดหรือหัวเจาะ ใช้ทำกระสุนเจาะเกราะ เครื่องมือผ่าตัด อุปกรณ์กีฬา เครื่องประดับและอื่น ๆ
  1. Kurlov, p. 22
  2. Blau, Peter J. (2003). Wear of Materials. Elsevier. p. 1345. ISBN 978-0-08-044301-0.
  3. Pierson, Hugh O. (1992). Handbook of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): Principles, Technology, and Applications. William Andrew Inc. ISBN 0-8155-1300-3.
  4. Zhong, Y.; Shaw, L. (2011). 'A study on the synthesis of nanostructured WC–10 wt% Co particles from WO3 , Co3O4 , and graphite'. Journal of Materials Science 46 (19): 6323–6331. Bibcode:2011JMatS..46.6323Z. doi:10.1007/s10853-010-4937-y.
  5. Groover, Mikell P. (2010). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems. John Wiley & Sons. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-470-46700-8.
  6. Kurlov, p. 3
  7. Cardarelli, François (2008). Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 640–. ISBN 978-1-84628-669-8.
  8. Kurlov, pp. 30, 135
  9. Sprince, NL.; Chamberlin, RI.; Hales, CA.; Weber, AL.; Kazemi, H. (1984). 'Respiratory disease in tungsten carbide production workers'. Chest 86 (4): 549–557. PMID 6434250. doi:10.1378/chest.86.4.549.
  10. 12th Report on Carcinogens'. National Toxicology Program. http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/roc12. เรียกข้อมูลเมื่อ 2011-06-24.
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ลิงค์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง : https://abovyxpjzc.info/gokken-met-monero
Mathias [45.156.64.xxx] เมื่อ 3/10/2023 01:52

noor mohmed
أبرز خدمات البيع والتوصيل التي يقدمها توكيل ال جي
حيث يقدم توكيل تكييف ال جي العديد من الخدمات الخاصة بعمليتي البيع،
وكذلك التوصيل التي يعمل على تقديمها توكيل ال جي ومن تلك الخدمات الآتي:
  • ومن ثم ذلك لأن البدرشين تعتبر من المدن الواسعة والكبيرة المقسمة إلى عدد كبير وضخم من الأحياء المختلفة وكذلك المناطق الداخلية التي تعتبر بعيدة عن بعضها البعض.
  • وفي تلك الحالة سوف يكون من الصعب أن يوفي فرع واحد فقط كافة احتياجات هذه المدينة،
    ومن ثم لهذا السبب تم العمل على توفير أكثر من فرع.
  • ومن ثم قد تم أيضاً توفير خدمة أكثر راحة للعملاء وجودة أيضاً وهي الخدمة الخاصة بتوزيع مكيف ال جي .
  • حيث أن كل منطقة قد أصبح بها أكثر من فرع موزع يكون معتمد وكذلك مسؤول عن توفير كل ما يشمل الموديلات المختلفة.
  •  إلى جانب كافة القدرات الناتجة عن عملية مساعدة كافة العملاء الموجودين في داخل هذا النطاق على القيام بشراء المكيف.
  •  ومن ثم الاستمتاع بخدمة ما بعد البيع وكذلك خدمة الصيانة،
    ومن ثم أيضاً هي التي تتمكن من العمل على تحديد المشكلة المسببة لهذا العطل.
  •  حيث أنه يتم العمل على  تحديد موعد الزيارة المنزلية،
    ثم يتم ذلك من خلال إرسال فريق خاص بالدعم الفني الخاص بتوكيل الجهاز توكيل تكييف ال جي البدرشين .
للاستفسارات و لحجز موعد صيانة أو تركيب تواصل معنا علي: موقع تكييف ال جي
noor mohmed [156.198.41.xxx] เมื่อ 3/10/2023 14:14


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sheetaldubay [103.83.144.xxx] เมื่อ 3/10/2023 16:40
Roma, la Città Eterna, è famosa per la sua storia millenaria e la sua cultura vibrante. Tuttavia, oltre a monumenti iconici e cibi deliziosi, Roma offre anche un mondo di incontri e connessioni umane che riscaldano il cuore della città. In questo articolo, esploreremo il lato affascinante degli incontri nella capitale italiana, mettendo in evidenza come Roma possa essere il palcoscenico perfetto per relazioni piene di passione e piacere.
Donna cerca uomo Roma: Il Desiderio di Connessione
Il desiderio di connessione umana è universale, e a Roma, le persone cercano il calore di una relazione significativa o di un incontro fugace ma appagante. Questa ricerca di amore e piacere è ciò che rende gli incontri a Roma così irresistibili, un viaggio alla scoperta di emozioni e connessioni che possono riscaldare il cuore.
Incontri a Roma: Esplorare la Bellezza e la Cultura con un Compagno Speciale
Roma è un vero e proprio museo all'aperto, con la sua architettura stupefacente e i suoi quartieri pittoreschi. Gli incontri a Roma non sono solo appuntamenti, ma viaggi culturali ed emotivi alla scoperta della città. Dal Colosseo all'amore per la cucina italiana, condividere queste esperienze con un compagno speciale può rendere ogni istante indimenticabile.
Bakeca Incontri Roma: La Ricerca dell'Amore Online
Nell'era digitale, molti si rivolgono a siti web e app di incontri come 'Bakeca Incontri Roma' per trovare l'amore o incontri appaganti. Queste piattaforme offrono infinite opportunità di connessione, consentendo alle persone di cercare partner che condividano i loro interessi e le loro aspirazioni. Internet ha reso più facile che mai trovare l'amore e il piacere a Roma.
Escort Roma: Professionisti dell'Arte del Piacere
Le escort a Roma sono vere professioniste nell'arte della compagnia e del piacere. Oltre alla loro bellezza fisica, offrono una gamma di servizi che vanno ben oltre l'aspetto superficiale. Questi incontri possono includere momenti di intima conversazione, cene romantiche e massaggi rilassanti. La loro professionalità è evidente nella capacità di soddisfare i desideri dei clienti e creare esperienze indimenticabili.
Come Trovare Escort a Roma: Una Guida Responsabile
La ricerca di escort a Roma dovrebbe essere svolta in modo responsabile e rispettoso. È importante utilizzare servizi affidabili e fare ricerche accurate per garantire la propria sicurezza e soddisfazione. Le agenzie di escort a Roma che mettono al primo posto la professionalità e il benessere dei clienti sono una scelta consigliata.
Costi degli Incontri a Roma: Investimento nel Piacere
I costi degli incontri a Roma variano a seconda delle esperienze desiderate. È essenziale considerare questi costi come un investimento nel proprio benessere emotivo e fisico. Incontri a pagamento possono offrire esperienze uniche e gratificanti, dove ogni euro speso si traduce in momenti di piacere e appagamento.
Soddisfazione a Roma: Realizzare Tutti i Desideri
Roma è il luogo perfetto per esplorare e realizzare fantasie e desideri. Le escort professioniste sono esperte nell'arte di portare a compimento queste fantasie, garantendo esperienze indimenticabili. La comunicazione aperta e il rispetto reciproco sono fondamentali per garantire soddisfazione e piacere in queste esperienze.
Conclusioni: Roma, la Città dell'Amore e del Piacere
In conclusione, Roma è molto più di una città di storia e cultura; è un luogo dove i cuori possono incendiarsi e le anime possono connettersi in modi unici. Che tu stia cercando amore, passione o semplicemente una serata di piacere, Roma offre una miriade di opportunità. Ricorda sempre di essere responsabile nelle tue scelte e di cercare soddisfazione in modo rispettoso. Roma, con il suo calore e la sua bellezza, ti aspetta per offrirti momenti indimenticabili.
ลิงค์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง : https://www.escorta.com/escorts/roma/
TuaDiva [188.26.56.xxx] เมื่อ 3/10/2023 17:03

Isha Kohli

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Through website navigation or direct communication with service providers, booking is always possible and hassle-free. Indeed, this is the information that the public needs to know about the Mohali escorts service. You can then proceed and look for the girls who are all really gorgeous based on that. The best thing is that call ladies can teach you sex techniques while you use their services. Yes, they provide incredible services and are simply too intelligent for us to handle. For this reason, it is imperative that people contact these escorts in order to receive excellent services without any difficulties.

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All you have to do is get in touch with the service providers to find out more information about the offerings, Call Girls Mohali pictures, etc. Yes, they always give you the information you want in a polite manner. You can proceed and obtain the additional details you desire in light of that. In light of that, you are free to finish the procedure. Apparently, this is what the public is eager to see. It should be beneficial for all seekers to finish and advance in general. That being said, this is the information that the people are seeking.

Through website navigation or direct communication with service providers, booking is always possible and hassle-free. Indeed, this is the information that the public needs to know about the Mohali escorts service. You can then proceed and look for the girls who are all really gorgeous based on that. The best thing is that call ladies can teach you sex techniques while you use their services. Yes, they provide incredible services and are simply too intelligent for us to handle. For this reason, it is imperative that people contact these escorts in order to receive excellent services without any difficulties.

View real-time and frequent changes

Yes, you may find a lot of support from the accessible updates when looking to book call ladies. You can see that updates are made frequently to the information, gallery, photographs, and more, aside from bookings. This may be one of the main causes of people's strong desire to come to this place. You can, however, always visit the website to obtain the necessary information. I sincerely hope that it will be a huge hit with the populace.

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Ultimately, all you have to do is go to the relevant website to find sufficient information on the services and bundles. This is also the spot for you if you are looking to satisfy your sexual needs. The best thing is that you will receive 100% real and safe escort services in Mohali. It implies that your identity will be protected. That means you can proceed and finish the reservations without any problems. You can visit the website or even speak with the service providers about the availability of profiles for additional information. The process will be easy to handle and finish.

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ลิงค์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง : http://girlshub.in/nainital-call-girls/
sheetaldubay [103.83.144.xxx] เมื่อ 3/10/2023 18:16

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