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       ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์ (อังกฤษ: tungsten carbide) มีสูตรเคมีคือ WC ในรูปพื้นฐานจะมีลักษณะเป็นผงสีเทาละเอียด มี 2 โครงสร้างคือแบบหกเหลี่ยม (α-WC) และแบบลูกบาศก์ (β-WC)
       ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์เตรียมได้จากการทำปฏิกิริยาระหว่างทังสเตนกับคาร์บอนที่อุณหภูมิ 1400–2000 °C[3] หรือให้ความร้อนกับทังสเตนไตรออกไซด์และแกรไฟต์โดยตรงที่ 900 °C หรือในแก๊สไฮโดรเจนที่ 670 °C ตามด้วยการคาร์บิวไรเซชันในแก๊สอาร์กอนที่ 1000 °C[4] หรือใช้วิธีการเคลือบด้วยไอเคมี เช่น
  • ทำปฏิกิริยาระหว่างทังสเตนเฮกซะคลอไรด์กับไฮโดรเจนและมีเทนที่อุณหภูมิ 670 °C (1,238 °F)
 WCl6 + H2 + CH4 WC + 6 HCl
  • ทำปฏิกิริยาระหว่างทังสเตนเฮกซะฟลูออไรด์กับไฮโดรเจนและเมทานอลที่อุณหภูมิ 350 °C (662 °F)
                WF6 + 2 H2 + CH3OH → WC + 6 HF + H2O
       ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์มีจุดหลอมเหลวที่ 2,870 °C (5,200 °F) และจุดเดือดที่ 6,000 °C (10,830 °F) มีความแข็งระดับ 9 ตามมาตราโมสและประมาณ 2600 ตามมาตราวิกเคอส์[5] ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์มีความแข็งเกร็งมากกว่าเหล็กกล้าประมาณ 2 เท่า มีค่ามอดุลัสของยังประมาณ 530–700 GPa (77,000–102,000 ksi)[2][6][5][7] โมดูลัสของแรงบีบอัด 630–655 GPa และโมดูลัสของแรงเฉือน 274 GPa[8]
ด้วยคุณสมบัติความแข็งและทนความร้อนสูง ทังสเตนคาร์ไบด์จึงใช้ทำเป็นเครื่องมือตัดหรือหัวเจาะ ใช้ทำกระสุนเจาะเกราะ เครื่องมือผ่าตัด อุปกรณ์กีฬา เครื่องประดับและอื่น ๆ
  1. Kurlov, p. 22
  2. Blau, Peter J. (2003). Wear of Materials. Elsevier. p. 1345. ISBN 978-0-08-044301-0.
  3. Pierson, Hugh O. (1992). Handbook of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): Principles, Technology, and Applications. William Andrew Inc. ISBN 0-8155-1300-3.
  4. Zhong, Y.; Shaw, L. (2011). 'A study on the synthesis of nanostructured WC–10 wt% Co particles from WO3 , Co3O4 , and graphite'. Journal of Materials Science 46 (19): 6323–6331. Bibcode:2011JMatS..46.6323Z. doi:10.1007/s10853-010-4937-y.
  5. Groover, Mikell P. (2010). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems. John Wiley & Sons. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-470-46700-8.
  6. Kurlov, p. 3
  7. Cardarelli, François (2008). Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 640–. ISBN 978-1-84628-669-8.
  8. Kurlov, pp. 30, 135
  9. Sprince, NL.; Chamberlin, RI.; Hales, CA.; Weber, AL.; Kazemi, H. (1984). 'Respiratory disease in tungsten carbide production workers'. Chest 86 (4): 549–557. PMID 6434250. doi:10.1378/chest.86.4.549.
  10. 12th Report on Carcinogens'. National Toxicology Program. http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/go/roc12. เรียกข้อมูลเมื่อ 2011-06-24.
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Independent Kolkata Escort Service Agency

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Kolkata Is Known As The City of Joy And Our Kolkata Escort Service Confirm It

You can make your night exceptional and romantic with hot Kolkata escorts and feel the extreme delight in her arms. Play hard with her provocative bends that give you astounding sentiments and turn the warmth. In the event that you are searching for quality and exciting youngsters then you are welcome since you are visiting at the correct spot. Here you can transform your all fantasies into the real world and effectively satisfy every one of your needs and acknowledge fulfillment. Our escorts service in Kolkata is very much restrained and receptive in light of the fact that they offer exemplary administrations to customers. Come and feel the joy that is past your desire level. Feel the boundless fun with these tasteful Escorts in Kolkata. Boundless fulfillment will take your breath away and you feel excellent with these provocative young call girls in Kolkata. We give sheltered and clean young girls with the goal that you feel a definitive joy and complete everything you could ever want.

This diversion and fun you will always remember and you generally feel the hankering for these good times. In the event that you need any wild partier young girls or need any dance club young girls or open-air fun and dating fun then we give all of you sort of girls for additional fun and joy. Feel the erotic and exceptional delight with these alluring women and carry on with your life cheerfully. Include some shading and fun in your life and live cheerfully in your life Here you can evacuate all your pressure and feel the total hard fulfillment with these Cheap escorts in Kolkata. Feel the closeness love with these hot young girls and feel the delight. Our girls love to give you stunning joy and lift your adoration feels with the goal that you can appreciate more and feel the boundless fun. A large portion of you will have an engaging end table through Cheap Kolkata escort service which is the reason individuals crowd here. Some of you might be businesspersons and ready to have incredible and energizing occasions outside your city after your riotous business plan, isn't that so? On the off chance that you are one, you get the opportunity to have the most satisfying and qualified escort young girls to discuss and have the flavors. In the quest for joy and importance, there are a type of flavors that one can anticipate get diverse engaging encounters.

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Welcome to the five-star lodging Escort Service where you can meet kolkata escorts and hire our lovely and gorgious young ladies. Here you can satisfy your sexual necessities with these cuties understudies. Disregard all the pressure with our exceptional treatment by most sultry females accessible in your space A warm greeting to the most rumored and driving Kolkata escort in five star hotels we have a wide range of kolkata cheap escorts Profile like Russian, Housewife, and models Call young ladies for you 24*7 accessible. meet your beauty queens here and satisfy every one of your cravings finished with great magnificence for You will get genuine autonomous young ladies who are prepared to fulfill your sexual requirements and wants full assistance without settles.

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We also have Russian escorts in Kolkata the exclusive variety of these best class escorts to help you in better and best. Our escorts service in Kolkata is constantly open 24/7 per week. Simply let us know or offer your region where we can drop our young girl and we will do it a couple of moments. A hot young girl is sitting tight for you, only a couple of moments away from you. One call can change your life's sexual experience. Our sexy hot model's Russian escort in Kolkata are ready to excite your mood. Turn your busy lifestyle into some pleasure with some quality erotic time with you. Our Call Girls are not just for doing sex, but they give their best in terms of a friendly behavior nature.

Book Independent Housewife Escorts for good services

Our Housewife call girls in kolkata are so famous and popular for their sexiness and hotness they are on high demand. These married ladies are greedy for sex and are very affectionate to their customers. Furthermore, their overall costumes and makeup which include red and golden bangles on their hand, sindoor and crimson lipstick makes them look more sexy and attractive and become like a magnet. We have a wide range of housewife escort in Kolkata. All are very hot and beautiful. If your booked partner is so handsome and sensible in seeing, you feel very happy. There is a sying that brain and beauty cannot be shared together. But all our girls are beautiful and sharp with their mind and know their work well. How to make the customer happy with his attractive tricks. I have seen that in today s time the demand for housewife is increasing; even the boy likes the Bhabhi more that s why everyone demanding bold bhabhi and gorgeous housewife for sex night. The couple has extra experience with a married person and the performances will also do that which you will not be able to forget. So we have lots of Bhabhi who are involved in our business with us. Call now and get your lovely wife for today.

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Get a chance to full fill your fantasy!

The girls we have with us at Independent Call Girls in Faridabad are so exciting and fun to be with that each moment of your booking will be one full of pleasure. These hot babes from Independent Call Girls in Faridabad work on an independent basis and hence the name of their category. These babes have learnt to deal with the toughest of situations on their own and they usually don’t rely on anyone to tackle their problems. This is because they are mentally strong and confident. These young ladies we have with us are the sheer pleasure of our office. The girls here at our agency at Independent Call Girl in Faridabad have some real hot bodies and some of the most stunning faces. Some of the clients we have with us simply love to spend quality time with one of them.

A portion of different angels we have with us at our organization are the hot and hot VIP EscortsHigh Profile Call Girls in FaridabadModel EscortsAir Hostess Escorts and the College Girls Escorts in Faridabad.

If you would really like to experience some of the best sex action then take one of these Faridabad call girls home and they will give you a great time in bed!

Let’s face it, would you actually want to spend a night with a babe who is not all that good looking and has a figure which is just passable? What’s more she might not even want her to accompany you to any of the outdoor activities because you just don’t want to be embarrassed in front of your friends and colleagues. On the other hand the girls we have with us here at Model Escorts Service in Faridabad have some of the most amazing personalities and lovely figures and speaking of their stunning model like faces, they are simply the traffic stoppers of our agency.

You would wonder if our stunning faced babes from the house of Faridabad escort service have been walking down the ramp every now and then. Some of the stunning faced babes we have with us at our agency at Model Escorts Service in Faridabad are part-time models while other are the aspiring ones and know how to carry themselves in their high heels which only adds to their personalities.

You would really have to spend a night with one of these ultra-gorgeous babes from Model Escorts Service in Faridabad to find out for yourself what it is that makes these hot faced babes so wanted among our clients.

High-class Escorts for clients in Faridabad

At the point when you consider Hi Profile Call Girls in Faridabad, envision posh, knowledgeable and beutiful women. Our services are carefully designed to give all clients even those at the higher level of academia and management equal support. Most of them have up to university degrees. Besides, they also undergo additional training to ensure they know how to handle all clients well .If you wanted Faridabad escorts to a high profile meeting with close friends, leaders, or managers, the girls are easily adaptable. They take that proficient standpoint at each progression so your expert picture is improved.

When you are all set and have the most fulfilling fun and romance, you will feel the difference and you know it really well too. This is the reason why and how you would go all about it. The most ideal approach to have the sentiment with our Faridabad escort service to book them ahead of time since they stay occupied all the day and night. It is likewise pivotal that you warm up to them and they will come supportive to you later on. This is the right way how you must go for it.

Simply tell the escorts the nature of the meeting and suggest what they should wear to reinforce your appeal .In discussions, you will be amazed by the high prowess of the escorts to support your point of argument. The selection of call girl in Faridabad is done on basis of their personality and sexyness. Regardless of whether it is legislative issues, business arrangements, or even prominent scholarly conversations, the young ladies realize how to raise your stakes and get you a triumphant edge. Despite the fact that they can pick subjects and sail as far as possible, it is fitting to give them a review of what's in store for suitable planning a superb hotshot to companions and business partners

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What are the options for the physical pleasure?

Every moment that clients spend with Hi Profile Faridabad Escort Service is truly magic.It is a second to draw begrudge and show that you are no equivalent. On the off chance that you have recently said a final farewell to your better half, or you don't have one, these Hi Profile Call Girls in Faridabad, will assist you with foregetting the previous connections that have fizzled. Simply identify the most gorgeous friend and have her accompany you to all places that you would like to visit at Hi Profile Call Girl in Faridabad.

When you are all set and have the most fulfilling fun and romance, you will feel the difference and you know it really well too. This is the reason why and how you would go all about it. The most ideal approach to have the sentiment with our Faridabad escort service to book them ahead of time since they stay occupied all the day and night. It is likewise pivotal that you warm up to them and they will come supportive to you later on. This is the right way how you must go for it.

Our babes from our agency are bold and self-assured babes here at the house of Independent Call Girl in Faridabad. These darlings are the absolute most dazzling angels we have with us at our organization. What's more is that there is no lack of these young ladies we have with us.The best thing about our babes from Independent Call Girls in Faridabad is that these hot and sexy babes would look far more stunning when you meet one of them in person than watching them in their pictures. We here at Escort service in faridabad recommend that you invest some energy by investigating our site and you will before long learn of the hot darlings we have with us at our office.

Beutiful Faridabad Escort Service

We here with beutiful Faridabad Escort service have some of the most thrilling Call girls in Faridabad and we have categorized them on the basis of the services they render, their ages, their ethnicities, their degree of class and their professions they are in such as the Air Hostess Call Girls, Independent Call Girls, Model Call Girls, College Call Girls, High Profile Call Girls, VIP Call Girls, and the poster babes the Russian Call Girls.

Independent Call Girls in Faridabad
We have a huge collection of call girls or escort girls and they belong from the different social background. Different kinds of girl are associated with our escort services. If you want to spend your time with female Escorts in Faridabad, you can just contact them anytime. Many girls those who are studying in college are part of escort service as there is a scope of earning a good amount of money when you are part of the escort industry.

The best part about these models at Faridabad Escorts Service look absolutely stunning even when they wake up from their sleep and the thought of banging her in the morning just before breakfast would be a temptation you would not be able to resist! Our Call girl in Faridabad is constantly open 24/7 everu month.

In the event that your life has quit appreciating, do at this point don't freeze companion call girls in faridabad are sitting here to introduce you tips. Experience faridabad Escort service for experience on your reality faridabad call young lady will make your reality greener and is best to convey joy in anyone's presence faridabad Escorts are the appropriate inclination, individuals utilize the faridabad Escorts supplier to bring joy of their lives.

Do you want to lead a fulfilling life with all kinds of modern entertaining elements? If yes, you got to enjoy having the most fulfilling romance and there is a chance that you will be happy at each possible way. The reason is we have a list of different kinds of beautiful escorts who would never mind extending their helping hands to you. They are simply dying to serve you and always readily wait for you for the chance to serve you.

Do it your self, it will be legitimate for you and might make your ways of life higher on the off chance that you stay existence with our call girl in faridabad on the off chance that you need to come to faridabad to encounter faridabad escorts without limit, at that point you could come and experience with no charge. Also, in the event that you are in faridabad, this is an eminent factor for you then you could encounter it easily on the off chance that you need any area in faridabad, on the off chance that you need faridabad call young lady, you could take supplier from us. We're there for you for 24 hours we can serve you in any road region like Call Girls in BPTP Faridabad for you we can serve you in inns and additional spots we can furnish you with incredible administrations.

Contact for Mind Blowing Service

So it is an ideal opportunity to make the most of your life completely decisively and encountering the nature of enchantment with the looks, practices, acts and cordial yet engaging voices. Call us to know your necessities and serve you appropriately.

In conclusion we at https://www.monikaji.com/faridabad.html affirm and vow that our site offers Sex in Faridabad at sole circumspection between the Faridabad Escorts and the customers. The cash taken thusly is only for friendship and sexual fun with shared assent and no gathering will be at risk in any lawful commitment with the equivalent.

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